the pretender

So I'm hurt.and waiting.and jelous.which leads to so much speculations,bad assumptions to so much people who I suspect involve in this inexpensive theatre,even those people who I don't even know!.it's sinful right? For sangka buruk ialah dosa.

I know that the time will come.for everything to get all wrapped up.and we'll know the truth.I got this feeling that the time is so close from now.The carriage that will bring the pembawa berita hebat is just a mile away to come,or maybe shaa Allah.

However,for now,it's hard to pretend,that I'm not happy with this.and to pretend that it doesn't hurt me at all,that nothing is happening around me.

The pain is never enough.and I'm so so annoyed rn.

From Wana with Love 💕