the pretender

So I'm hurt.and waiting.and jelous.which leads to so much speculations,bad assumptions to so much people who I suspect involve in this inexpensive theatre,even those people who I don't even know!.it's sinful right? For sangka buruk ialah dosa.

I know that the time will come.for everything to get all wrapped up.and we'll know the truth.I got this feeling that the time is so close from now.The carriage that will bring the pembawa berita hebat is just a mile away to come,or maybe shaa Allah.

However,for now,it's hard to pretend,that I'm not happy with this.and to pretend that it doesn't hurt me at all,that nothing is happening around me.

The pain is never enough.and I'm so so annoyed rn.

From Wana with Love πŸ’•

Meniti senja keseorangan

So lovable right? :-)

Haha,I'm not going to write about that baby πŸ‘†that I named Falisy(sukesukehatijekan).I wonder who had gave birth to such a cute baby.I found his photo at Google.

Actually,I want to talk about the missing love in some human.It's saddening to see the old people who has been thrown away into the rumah orang-orang tua.Is that what they deserve after almost a hundred years of struggling in life?
Finally they have to be alone in their last remaining time.I wonder how could their children do that(if they have children).How could they?even seeing old man selling vegetables or nasi-nasi at pasar and nobody buy it could make us sad and want to hug them(not old man haha).
How could they,imagine we throw away the people who raised us.The person who we meet everyday when we're growing up.They love us unconditionally.
Then,when we have everything,the love just get disappear like that?
Oh my,that's never a love!
That's a sad truth about human,unexpectable.
That's why I'm afraid to be in love (kuuuuuuuuhhhh!)
For children outside there,don't do that to your parents ya.It's so saddening to see orang tua terbuang.The wrinkled skin around their sad eyes with so little option on what they can eat.Old people are like children,the workers in that rumah-rumah orang tua could lost their patient on them.Love your parents.
And to all muslims Allah tells us to respect our parents and to birru walidain(berbakti).And derhaka is a sin.

Sekian,bicara banyak isinya kurang.

From Wana with Love πŸ’•

Tersalah langgar

Teda kaitan

Assalamualikum.Haii.Saya patah hati.And guess what happen when someone patah hati?
Of course they will find some remedy,they'll talk to others or listening to musics.So,yesterday I searched for some tazkirah to heal my broken heart,to sucikan balik iman saya yang tercemar.
Then,I watched a video.It said that when a human replaced Allah with something or someone else in their heart,it is a total calamity.That caused sadness and depression.
Then,I started to question myself,am I in that situation?
Unfortunately ,saya ke arah itu.

From Wana with Love πŸ’•

Cerita yang tak sempurna

Cerita ini belum habis,
belum sampai peleraian,klimaks pun tak pasti sudah atau belum,
Kalau boleh aku taknak tahu penghujungnya,
bukanlah aku harap aku mati terus.
Aku ni perfectionist sikit,sikit lah.
Aku takut aku kecewa,
sangat takut.
Walau menyedari hakikat qada' dan qadar,
aku masih risau.
Aku takut.
Rabb,tolong aku.
Penamat gembira,harap akan tersurat untukku.

From Wana with Love πŸ’•

you make us tired lahh putrii (bebel,bebel,bebel...)

Peringatan mesra:jika anda tak suka pembebelan sila jangan baca,nanti you pulak yang tired.

    I love our juniors,they are like our little sisters(sweet kan),especially golongan-golongan yang memang manis macam honey bunny.And to love your orang-orang yang dipimpin is a part of leadership right?(yeke).
    However,sometimes putriii,you really make me,kakak Muthy,kakak2 BAKA,kak Papau really2 kinda tired and fed up of you.Tolonglah putrii,janganlah susahkan hidup kami yang memang sedia susah.Kenapa juga selalu buat tu perangai teda telinga???Berapa kali mo cakap jangan bising time orang solat,pakailah itu stokin saya tak bagi lagi syarat pakai yang tebal asal ada stokin,berapa kali mau cakap itu,ini,itu,ini?
      Kadang2 kakak terfikir mungkin banyak dosa kali kami yang jadi pemimpin ni sampai apa yang cuba kami betulkan dari dulu tak ada perubahan.Mungkin setiap titis air liur kami ni sudah hilang barakah.
      Kakak pun buat salah juga.Baru minggu lepas kakak potong barisan di kantin sebab risau betul lambat masuk kelas.Kakak tak marah si adik ni tulis nama kakak, cuma kakak sedih kenapa tak tegur kakak time tu sedangkan di sebelah jak kau masa tu.Kalau kakak tau haritu ada pengawas jaga barisan dan tulis nama siapa yang memotong,memang saya pegi belakang.Ini sebab dia takut mau tegur saya yang double ketua dia,tak pasal-pasal saya dapat 'nama' .Memang kakak malu,dan memang salah saya.
        You know putrii,sometimes rasa macam malas mo jaga kamu lagi,terpulanglah kamu mau jadi apa,janji siapa buat salah memang akan kena.Tapi,abang Fathan kamu pesan sama kami dulu,
           "Kita bukan ja mo betulkan yang sekarang,tapi kita kena cover kesilapan pimpinan terdahulu."
         Saya tak cakap batch pimpinan kami perfect sangat,tapi kesilapan terdahulu tu memang ada yang perlu dibetulkan,dan bukannya sikit.Saya tak mahu tinggalkan sesi pimpinan kami bulan Ogos kali nanti tanpa sebarang perubahan.Tapi really make us tired sometimes.You make me have that nerve to doubt myself,and us.Sometimes I feel some things quite off somewhere....
          Saya bukan nak merungut ,cuma saya harap putriiii faham sikit feeling kami,especially si kak Muthy,ketua asrama kamu tu.She has been losing herself now,macam.
          I know ini dugaan kecik macam baby ja pun,saya yang melebih lebih kot.Tapi saya risau bah.Risau cerita kita macam mana nanti.

Sekian,pembebelan malam ini.

From Wana with LoveπŸ’•