Kisah-kisah Memalukan

Sometimes in life we do embarrasing mistakes,and we really hope that those mistakes were never be done.People say maybe those mistakes could be used to make us laugh,but some of it really makes me cringe every time remembering it.So,I think I will dedicate it here lah tanpa sebab.

#1.When I was little,around 7 or 8 gitu,I followed my uncle's rombongan meminang to now his wife's house.When I saw now his wife sitting among us,some one asked me "Mana cantik,dia ke ummi?"(my mom is quite pretty so if someone being said prettier than her that would be a pride,haha).I took a look at her,she's beautiful actually but I think I just tried to buat lawak at that time and said,
   "Hmmm,ummi.Yang ini banyak jerawat."
I'm sure everyone terkejut at that time,and I was not feeling guilty at all until my grandma told me about menjaga hati orang in the car.
Remembering it back make me regret it so much.I never apologize to her until today,I'm sure she still remembers that.If the 'you get what you give' really works,maybe my future nieces or nephew would say I'm ugly during my peminangan.

#2. When I was waiting the flight to KLIA,the friendly Ustaz Sabudin who was our pengiring at that time asked me,
"Hifzona anak sulung?"
"Nda ustaz ada abang saya."
And he asked me some thing about him(probably his age,I forget.)
"Oh,dia lepasan SPM"I told him.
"Oh,jadi dia tengah tunggu tawaran pegi U lah ni?"
"Tidak,sudah dia sambung form 6 di SMK Lohan."
Then I realized why did I said he is lepasan if he already back to school.(he got to be at Uni shortly after that,alhamdulillah).That's like my first conversation with him,such an ugly first impression.

#3. It was one night during my debate training in the library with my teacher and other two boys.The library is located just beside the juniors' classrooms.It happened to be that night the juniors(girls only) really-really noisy.I got distracted and decided to go to their classes.I went there and saw some girls inside the classes.Actually I'm not really familiar with my juniors' faces,you can count with fingers the amount of form 1 and form 2 students that I know.The worst part is I don't even know which floor is for form 1 classrooms,and which floor for form2.So,that night,I considered that all the small girls in the classes beside the library are form one.When I returned to library,the girls are still bising and I got upset.My teacher asked:
"Mana pula tu yang mengilai-ngilai?"
"Sana cigu(the form two students),budak2 form one."
"Oh,durang belajar di atas..."
I started to confuse,but I confidently say yes.So he went out ,he was teaching form 1,maybe he went to tegur them.He returned and said some things I don't really understand(actually I don't understand most of things he talked about when he walking back from some where,haha).Then I started to questioning myself if the kids were really form one.And tomorrow I got to know that's form 2 classrooms.Lol.Hopefully that night it's magically happened that all form one students study in the form 2 classes.Or my teacher would just consider that all form 1 students magically disappeared from that class when he went there.A good lessons for me to 'peka dengan persekitaran'🌚.

#4.When I was a kid I  love to read the Ujang magazine so much. One day,at Kota Bharu I went to buy it at the stall and asked the pokcik for it.When I returned back from the stall with tangan kosong sebab habis my brother told me that just now I asked the pokcik,
"Ada Ujang kah??"(this is Sabahan's slang)
I don't even realize that I accidently use 'bahasa luar'  while buying a magazine,and it's bahasa Sabah.So far from Klate.

From Wana with Love 💕

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