"how can you give us this kind of advise?you don't know what we have been through!"
Siapa kata.
I know how it feels when your bestfriend throw you away like a RUBBISH when she got new friends.
I know how it feels when you know your bestfriend said a lot of bad things about you right at your back.
I know how it feels when your favourite person,that you admire,you respect,did something to you that made you feel bodoh and embarrassed for fully time admiring that person.
Kan,kejam kan manusia.
Kejam betul manusia buat kita rasa macam rubbish.
Kejam betul manusia buat kita yang sayang diorang macam orang bodoh.
Kejam betul manusia buat jahat kat kita.
Kejam betul manusia,manusia itu kejam.
Tapi,nama lagi manusia kan?
After all,we are all just human being.
When we forgive someone,yes we could not forget it.Sebab otak kita sihat,belum ada amnesia,apa lagi jenis yang kuat ingatan.Sorry,joke.Yes,when it leaves such a great pain,sadness,anger,lost and many more,it really hard to forget.We will always see that person as someone who hurts us,despisable.So,if we still have that kind of feeling,have we really 'forgive'?The problem in hard to forget comes when there's some thing wrong in the "I forgive" itself.And why should us forgive?
Simple,to make us happy,and for them too.Siapa kita nak susahkan kematian orang lain,nyawa tersekat kat kerongkong time sakaratul maut sebab ada orang masih menuntut maaf dari diorang?Kenapa kita nak seksa jiwa kita sepanjang hidup fikir pasal luka di masa lalu?Sedangkan kita tahu,orang memang akan buat salah kat kita,tak semua orang baik.Tapi orang yang tak baik tulah lagi kesian dari kita,dorang tak tahu dorang buat salah,Allah tak suka,dapat dosa.Kesian kan?Sabarlah,ingat kalau betul dorang jahat,Allah bayar cash kat akhirat.Tapi kalau diorang tu Muslim,dan kita sayang saudara seagama kita,cuba kita kurangkan risiko diorang untuk masuk neraka
atau susah payah nak cari kita kat Mahsyar nanti masa matahari sejengkal dari kepala.Sebab itulah matlamat tertinggi seorang Muslim, tak nak susah di Mahsyar,tak nak neraka.
What if they made us lost something?
Ingatlah,semua datang dari Allah.Dan diorang juga ujian dari Allah.Memang susah nak latih hati untuk redha,tapi kerana Tuhanmu,maka bersabarlah.
Then,when we get to forgive,we will still remember those painful memories.We will remeber,but we should not live in it.That one motivator said that people failed to be happy because they keep living in the past.We should not let that memories make us sad,upset and depressed all the time.Move on,and move in lah.Memang sedih tapi benda dah jadi kan.Life goes on.People change,and everything changes,but stays.Why not just take lessons from what had happened,keep it in your heart ,keep it as a guide for the future.Stop hating.
I remember Rasulullah S.A.W used to say that this one sahabat(I don't remember who) will be in Jannah even his amal was just like other people,nothing really special.It just that he never hate people.Why can't us be like him?
Yes,it's hard to forgive and forget,and this post sounds childish,lol.Just imagine what if people we hurted did not able to forgive and forget our wrong doing on them?Very stressful right?
Sekian,bicara banyak isinya kurang.
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